Laila Buhaug, <br> Coop Norge (NO) <br>

Laila Buhaug,
Coop Norge (NO)

Product Owner, Intranet

I primarily work with people and their experiences of their situations.

Leveraging my professional background in organizational psychology, communication, and economics, I aim to elevate both employees and the organization towards a more sustainable direction.

Throughout my career, I have focused on internal information and communication, and I am currently dedicated to managing the intranet at Coop in Norway.

In June 2024, we successfully upgraded our solution to Microsoft SharePoint Online.

How we accidentally created an AI-ready intranet

Coop in Norway is a complex organization. 26,000 employees in several legal entities work for different common brands. Our intranet provides a solution for all employees to receive information from their employer, their brand and Coop Norge – all in a single view. To achieve this, we have created a very well-organized structure for our […]

Adoption and Change Management AI Governance Internal Communications Intranet and digital workplace Microsoft 365 and SharePoint Usability